Stories From the Clinic

by Emily C. Lierman. Stories From the Clinic was first published in 1926.


  1. If the vision of the patient is improved under the care of the doctor, and the patient neglects to practice, when he leaves the office, what he is told to do at home, the treatment has been of no benefit whatever. The improved vision was only temporary. Faithful practice permanently improves the sight to normal.
  2. If the patient conscientiously practices the methods, as advised by the doctor, his vision always improves. This applies to patients with errors of refraction, as well as organic diseases.
  3. For cases of squint we find that the long swing is beneficial to adults and to children.
  4. When a patient suffers with cataract, palming is usually the best method of treatment, and should be practiced many times every day.
  5. All patients with imperfect sight unconsciously stare, and should be reminded by those who are near to them to blink often. To stare is to strain. Strain is the cause of imperfect sight.

    The following rules will be found helpful if faithfully observed:—

  6. While sitting, do not look up without raising your chin. Always turn your head in the direction in which you look. Blink often.
  7. Do not make an effort to see things more clearly. If you let your eyes alone, things will clear up by themselves.
  8. Do not look at anything longer than a fraction of a second without shifting.
  9. While reading, do not think about your eyes, but let your mind and imagination rule.
  10. When you are conscious of your eyes white looking at objects at any time, it causes discomfort and lessens your vision.
  11. It is very important that you learn how to imagine stationary objects to be moving, without moving your head or your body.
  12. Palming is a help, and I suggest that you palm for a few minutes many times during the day, at least ten times. At night just before retiring, it is well to palm for half an hour or longer.
Eyes carePhysicianBate's booksLaser corre.Blues under eyesburning in the eyesanother diseasesMedical mistery
Naturally eyesight correction. No laser eye surgery. Restore eyesight. Vision correction.